Air Monitoring Rentals
Our large inventory of air monitoring rental equipment contains everything from PIDs and FIDs to dust monitors and particle counters. All equipment comes calibrated and tested by our experienced technicians.
If you're looking for instruments to detect specific gases, including confined space meters and gas chromatographs, take a look at our large selection of gas detection rental equipment
Featured Air Monitoring Categories
- Dust/Aerosol Monitors: Area
We carry both outdoor and indoor area dust monitors with advanced monitoring capabilities for use anywhere from factories to the most remote sites. Long term unattended monitoring and cellular telemetry options are available.
- Flame Ionization Detectors
Typically used for environmental monitoring or for the detection of fugitive emmissions, our FID rentals come calibrated and with prefilled hydrogen cylinders.
- Photoionization Detectors
We maintain one of the largest rental inventories of photoionization detectors in the world. Our PID rentals are always available, reliable, and can be ordered on a moments notice.
Air Monitoring Category Descriptions
- Air Velocity Meters
For the measurement of air speed and/or volume along with various other ventilation parameters like temperature and humidity.
- Cleanroom Particle Counters
Our particle counter rentals are capable of counting individual particles of up to six different sizes and are available in both handheld and benchtop models.
- Condensation Particle Counters
Our particle counter rentals are capable of counting individual particles of up to six different sizes and are available in both handheld and benchtop models.
- Dust/Aerosol Monitors: Personal
Portable dust monitors both with and without particle sizing, including the well known PDR-1000 and the latest dust monitor from Thermo the PDR-1500.
- Handheld Particle Counters
Our particle counter rentals are capable of counting individual particles of up to six different sizes and are available in both handheld and benchtop models.
- Heat Stress Monitors
All of our heat stress monitors are capable of measuring the standard parameters including dry bulb, wet bulb, and globe temperature along with WBGT calculations.
- Humidity Meters
Typically used in indoor air quality applications, our humidity meter rentals also measure temperature and can calculate dew point or wet bulb temperatures.
- Indoor Air Quality Meters
Multiparameter instruments capable of monitoring several indoor air quality parameters simultaneously including Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide.
- Optical Particle Sizers
Particle Sizers measure and analyze the concentration and size distribution of airborne particles.
- Pressure Gauges
Typically used when monitoring ventilation system parameters, these pressure gauges are capable of measuring positive, negative, or differential pressure.
- Refrigeration System Analyzers
Instruments for servicing AC and heat pump systems
Search Terms
- Air Monitoring
- Air Velocity Meters
- Cleanroom Particle Counters
- Condensation Particle Counters
- Dust/Aerosol Monitors: Area
- Dust/Aerosol Monitors: Personal
- Flame Ionization Detectors
- Handheld Particle Counters
- Heat Stress Monitors
- Humidity Meters
- Indoor Air Quality Meters
- Optical Particle Sizers
- Photoionization Detectors
- Pressure Gauges
- Refrigeration System Analyzers